Navigating Anger and Insensitivity After Losing a Pet
Dear Jack, I am heartbroken. My friends are so insensitive and it makes me so angry. They say, “He...
Dealing with Unsupportive Friends After Losing a Pet
Dear Jack, I’m having trouble with so-called “friends”. It’s complicated. They say they don’t want to see posts on my...
Coping with Insensitive Reactions After Losing a Pet
Dear Jack, My boy died several weeks ago and I am struggling. One of my best friends took me out...
Navigating Grief: Understanding Loss and Love
Dear Jack, I don’t know what to do or what to say to my supposed friend. I had to euthanize...
Compassion and Understanding in Times of Grief
Dear Jack, I have had other pets. I look back and see that I never grieved this hard this long...
Lessons of Love: Grieving the Unconditional Bond
Dear Jack, Why do I miss him so much more than I miss most people? Why is life so relentless?...
How to Handle Insensitive Reactions to Pet Loss on Social Media
Dear Jack, I posted on Facebook that I lost my 18-year-old girl. One “friend” replied, ‘It’s just a cat.’ A...
Can a pet be a Soulmate?
Dear Jack, Can a pet be a soulmate? Absolutely a pet can be a soulmate. Love relationships with pets can...