Guidance from Jack: Helping Your Cats Cope with Loss – Nurture Your Pet Skip to content
Guidance from Jack: Helping Your Cats Cope with Loss

Guidance from Jack: Helping Your Cats Cope with Loss

Dear Jack,

My beloved boy crossed the Rainbow Bridge a few nights ago. My sister says that I should "tell" my other two cats, but this seems a little weird to me. My sister's always been a little "out there" so I thought I would ask you what I should do. 

Absolutely tell them. Share everything that is going on. They live with you, they lived with him, they love him too. Do not withhold information from them that will validate them. 

Have you learned how alert and aware the four-leggeds are? Sometimes they are more alert than humans. They want to know. They need to know. They are clearly aware that something is going on and they can be confused if you don't tell them what it is or if you try to pretend that you are unaffected by it. They feel your emotions and your vibrational energy and they can become quite distressed if you do not help them to understand why the sudden shift in the household.  

Once you tell them, they will need your care, comfort and compassion. Treat them gently because they are grieving too. Their lives move much more quickly than yours in the scheme of things, so you can go into it knowing that they will swiftly work through it. Typically they will resolve their grief by the time you get into the thick of yours. Then they will be there to help you with yours...because they understand.

Love, Jack

Credits: Jack McAfghan: Letters From Rainbow Bridge

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