Dear Jack,
If you see my girl, will you tell her I miss her and I think about her all the time. Does she miss me too or has she forgotten me?
This is your girl’s message to you:
“I miss you, yes of course I do, but I am made of spiritual energy and we are still connected at a very deep soul level. I have faith that exceeds any disruption or emotion and I pray that you will be able to have this kind of faith too. Faith in me. Faith in something greater than what you now can comprehend. What you experience on the earth is nothing in comparison to the world where I am waiting for you!
Death is the last lesson in the school of life. It is the final stage of growth. Death is the one event that is designed to remove all of your remaining fears. Someday you will find that the things you were most afraid of, like death, are only illusions. I love you I love you I love you.”
Love, Me