Announcing a NEW journey for Nurture Your Pet

We want to be more VALUABLE to YOU and your Furry Family.
Nurture Your Pet is now pursuing her Mission and Vision stronger than ever.
Losing my Gina in March 2022 I realized through my inconsolable grief that I needed help.
I could not do this alone.
And from there started a series of encounters with Wonderful people like Kate McGahan , Shirlyn and several others who brought to my attention that I was not the only one experiencing this piercing pain.
And I realized that posting Fun and Uplifting images and videos of Pets was just not enough.
Hence we at NYP are committed to this NEW direction:
Our Vision
A Planet of Healthy, Loving and Loved, Kind, Appreciated, Safe and Connected Humans and Animals. Being able to wake up Painfree, Supported, Joyful and eager to live Life to its Fullest.

To Transcend and Raise our Awareness and Consciousness Level.
Thereby making a Difference for Our Selves, our Animals and all other Living Beings.
Moving Humanity Forward, walking hand in hand, with our Animals into the Light.
We have relied on a poor diet, and medication to cure or alleviate many physical, mental and emotional challenges.
Pets, too, have relied on them.
These conventional methods have not always been successful.
And in some cases actually damaging.
The dependence on medication, drugs and poor diet has reached a Crisis Level.
Vet bills are high and in many cases unaffordable.
Having a Pet now is not any more as it used to be.
Our own Medical costs have sky rocketed.
But there is a Shift happening.
The New Age is now moving towards an Integrated Approach.
Conventional and Holistic methods hand in hand.

Nurture Your Pet is part of this movement.
We believe through Education, Connectivity and Teamwork we can bring what you need to your doorstep.
NYP is aiming to be an Eco-System in itself….. forming a Safe Environment built on Trust.
Holistic Practitioners for Pets coming together to teach us all the different Modalities of Healing.
Pet Lovers and Parents sharing their Concerns.
Explaining WHAT products and approaches to take.
All at your doorstep.
And making it affordable.
Being Happy, Healthy and Joyful is your birthright.
You do NOT have to be wealthy to have this.
NYP wants to help you get there.
So let’s hold hands, Pets and their Humans and walk towards that field of pure Bliss.