Finding Peace in Heartfelt Connection
Dear Jack, I am scared beyond words. My heart breaks not only for myself but also for her. I talk...
Navigating the Difficult Journey of Pet Loss
Dear Jack, I just don’t know how to prepare for this. His impending death. Euthanasia. Loss. Every minute, every moment...
Understanding Your Older Pet's Refusal to Eat
Dear Jack, My old girl is refusing to eat. It does no good to gently force feed her; she just...
Balancing Grief and Healing: A Letter from Jack
Dear Jack, I know you from Facebook. I follow your Page and I belong to your Pet Loss Support...
Finding Solace in Despair: A Letter to a Friend
Dear Jack, My family hasn't asked me yet how your surgery went. I feel so alone. I'm hurting. They found...
Healing from Grief: Understanding Your Pet's Unconditional Love
Dear Jack, I know 'friends' can't understand that I'm not over it yet, but I'm not sure I ever will...
Finding Hope and Faith After Losing Multiple Pets
Dear Jack, My dog that passed this year was my third to pass below 5 years of age, the other...
Finding True Communication and Comfort After Losing a Pet
Dear Jack, An animal communicator told me that my boy can't talk to me because he didn't speak English when...