Preparing for the Journey Ahead with Your Pet – Nurture Your Pet Skip to content
Nurture Your PetNurture Your Pet

Preparing for the Journey Ahead with Your Pet

Dear Jack, 

My girl is having a bit of a rough time, her hind end is getting weaker and she fell this morning when she went outside. I emailed my communicator. My communicator suggested I start to prepare myself. It's funny, anyone else I talk to seems to think I shouldn't feel that her time may come soon. I know you understand that I won't ever let her suffer a day and I think it's because we see the bigger picture. 


Your communicator is right. I’m so sorry that this is creeping up on you. It has a way of doing that. I know you are very bonded to each other. I’m very glad she is not in pain. That said, I hope the two of you can take some time together, focus; talk to her, listen to her. She will tell you what to do and when. You will feel it in your heart. I know that you have what it takes. You will do the right thing because when you love the way you do, you always do the right thing.

                                                          Love, Jack


Credits: Jack McAfghan: Letters From Rainbow Bridge

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