Helping Your Pet Cope with the Loss of a Companion – Nurture Your Pet Skip to content
Nurture Your PetNurture Your Pet

Helping Your Pet Cope with the Loss of a Companion

Dear Jack, 

I need your help. Since my boy has traveled to the Rainbow Bridge, my remaining girl will not leave the side of the litter box except to come and eat and then go right back to that spot.  My sweet girl. What can I do for her? 

Your girl is probably depressed and grieves with you. Your remaining pets have similar emotions and feelings when they have lost a loved one. Sometimes they are picking up on your grief too. Pets are empathetic and they tend to feel the way you feel. Some humans get so caught up in their grief that they don't see that their remaining pets need special attention too. I am so glad you are able to recognize this and that you are paying attention to your little girl's needs amidst your own. 

This is what I recommend. Go to her. Ask her for permission to lift her out of that space. Pick her up lovingly and take her to a calm, comfortable, nurturing place. Put her in your lap and pet her with all the love you can summon to your hands. Cry with her. Talk to her like you would talk to a very dear friend. Tell her you are sad and that you know that she is sad too, having lost her friend and companion. Explain to her that you are learning about healing and that things will get better for both of you. 

Allow quiet time and space for her to "talk" to you. You might even "hear" her if you listen with your heart. 

Love, Jack

Credits: Jack McAfghan: Letters From Rainbow Bridge

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