Understanding Pet Grief After Loss – Nurture Your Pet Skip to content
Nurture Your PetNurture Your Pet

Understanding Pet Grief After Loss

Dear Jack, 

Do my other pets understand? I lost my girl almost a month ago. I just feel so lost. She was my shadow, always with me. I have two others; they have such different personalities. I think one of them is suffering from the loss. She just hides, comes out only to eat. I hope she comes out of this soon.


Your pets understand. One of the hardest things is helping your other pets through the loss too. Everyone gets through it eventually and they will too. It can be a rough road but keep your best friends close, tell them what’s on your heart and it will all work out in the end.

Your four-leggeds heal much faster than you do. The important thing is to keep loving them, talking with them -- they will help you process and help you heal if you keep your heart open. As they help you, they help themselves. As you help them, you help yourself. The heart is where you must speak to each other. The heart transcends miles and manmade rules and worlds and it is where miracles of communication take place. 

Love, Jack

Credits: Jack McAfghan: Letters From Rainbow Bridge

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