Understanding the Heartache and Healing Process of Pet Loss – Nurture Your Pet Skip to content
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Understanding the Heartache and Healing Process of Pet Loss

Dear Jack,

I am missing my sweet boy today. There isn't a day that goes by where somewhere in the stillness I will think of him and feel like he should still be here with me. My three-year-old says to me, "He didn't die, Mommy. He's in Heaven." 

The day I took him to the vet because he was getting sick, I never imagined he would have to have surgery. He actually survived the surgery, but upon waking from the anesthesia, he went into cardiac arrest. I worry that he wondered where I was? I worry that he felt I left him. I didn't get to say goodbye.

Your three-year-old is very wise. He knows the truth. Your boy knows the truth too: that no one on earth could have loved him more than you did. When he was sick, you were there for him.

When he was under anesthesia the day of surgery, that was when the angels were communicating with him. You know how we say that dreams are real and that life is an illusion? He was dreaming while he was in surgery. He visited Rainbow Bridge. I met him that day. We all embraced him and told him what to expect. He seemed very comfortable with it and was eager to come to be with us. He knew that it was “his time” and that is why his heart seized. He was being called and he knew that he had to leave. It was his destiny. He is glad you didn’t say Goodbye because it’s not goodbye at all.  

Love, Jack

Credits: Jack McAfghan: Letters From Rainbow Bridge

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