Finding Peace After a Pet's Sudden Loss – Nurture Your Pet Skip to content
Nurture Your PetNurture Your Pet

Finding Peace After a Pet's Sudden Loss

Dear Jack,

My daughter’s dog passed away yesterday due to being attacked by a coyote. Her other dog is traumatized; he saw it all. But I know she is with my childhood dog and with my Mom who passed away last year. Any advice for us?

Yes, your daughter’s dog and yours and your beloved Mom are together again. They watch over you, your daughter, and her other dog who needs comfort now too. He will be okay. He will be very smart when the coyotes come around, for this is how he has learned to keep his distance from them. Yes, all of them wait on the Other Side for you -- and they even wait for Coyote too, who will be a loving beautiful friend by the time he reaches the other side. Prayers for your healing. 

Love, Jack

Credits: Jack McAfghan: Letters From Rainbow Bridge

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