Healing from Grief: Understanding Your Pet's Unconditional Love – Nurture Your Pet Skip to content

Healing from Grief: Understanding Your Pet's Unconditional Love

Dear Jack, 

I know 'friends' can't understand that I'm not over it yet, but I'm not sure I ever will be. I've tried animal communicators to hear from him but the evidence just hasn't fitted. It scares me that he hates me for what happened. 

Your boy lives with us on the other side of Rainbow Bridge. There is only love here. There is no hate, no chaos, no suffering, no guilt, no blame, no shame. In fact, when we lived with you on the earth, we did not/could not understand why humans choose to experience these things. Even on earth we are only LOVE. Understanding. Acceptance.

That said, you must know that he does not hate you. He cannot. He only loves. He loves you the most. Your healing will help you to realize this. It is your grief process that leads your mind to believe these dark thoughts. It is all an illusion. We will help you to see the truth. We are rooting for you here because when you are happy, your boy will be happy again too. Sending loads of love from Rainbow Bridge. 

Love, Jack

Credits: Jack McAfghan: Letters From Rainbow Bridge


This was an actual letter that Kate wrote in her diary two days after I crossed the Rainbow Bridge:

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