Finding Peace in Heartfelt Connection – Nurture Your Pet Skip to content

Finding Peace in Heartfelt Connection

Dear Jack, 

I am scared beyond words. My heart breaks not only for myself but also for her. I talk to her all the time about her pain. Oh, how I wish she could answer me. I love her so much that I do not ever want to let her go but I do not want her to be in pain either. My heart seems to be telling me so many different things right now plus it screams at the same time.

I will ask you to lay down beside her and relax; put your hands upon your heart and focus on the weight of your hands on your heart. Feel the strength that is the love in your heart. Talk to her, tell her what you are doing and why. The heart is where she speaks to you but you will never hear her if you are screaming inside. That chaos is in your head, not in your heart. Focus on the wisdom in your heart. Turn down the noise in your head. Try it tonight. It might surprise you how much better it feels to be in your heart instead of in your head. It's part of how you will learn to communicate with her now and also when she is on the other side of the Rainbow.

Love, Jack

Credits: Jack McAfghan: Letters From Rainbow Bridge

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