Finding True Communication and Comfort After Losing a Pet – Nurture Your Pet Skip to content

Finding True Communication and Comfort After Losing a Pet

Dear Jack,

An animal communicator told me that my boy can't talk to me because he didn't speak English when he was here on earth. These people take my money and break my heart just a bit more each time. The money has run out now so I will just have to rely on my prayers.

When we go to Rainbow Bridge, we speak the language of the heart, not English or Spanish or Chinese. We are all the same. Your boy does NOT need to know English to communicate with you. When you say a prayer in your mind and in your heart, you are communicating without needing to use words. We are telepathic and we speak to you in pictures in our minds, not with words. We don't need words to communicate the most important things. We never did. Please don't let what she told you impact your faith. You must stay strong. We all speak the same language but many people have forgotten it. Put those hands of yours on your heart tonight and invite your boy to speak to you there. Then put your hands together. Don’t ever give up on the power of prayer. 

Love, Jack


There are many Animal Communicators and guides and teachers to choose from. Talk to several of them and choose one that resonates with you. One grieving woman was told by a communicator that her dog was “mad” at her. “He is mad at you and that is why he does not come to you.” Never! We are never mad at you. We will always come when you call. No pet holds anger or revenge for their own. No pet withholds themselves in an effort to settle a score. That is a human dynamic, not an animal dynamic. This was disrespectful and damaging to the woman’s grief process. 

When seeking professional help, get recommendations from others who have had positive experiences. Authentic communicators will have intuition, people skills, and be able to give specifics that “fit” your story. There are also many grief counselors like Kate who have good intuition and who can bring this dynamic into a consultation that will help you to move through your grief. Shop around. Talk with them before you hire them. Ask for references. The wrong counselor can actually make things worse for you. 

If your pet is still alive and you don’t know a really good communicator, or you can’t afford one, you can do it yourself. Quietly look into their eyes, tune into their soul and you will understand. The eyes are the windows to the soul, you are soulmates and the soul understands everything. Just keep the focus on the love in your heart, not the fear in your head. Put yourself in their paws. They know you love them. They know sometimes you have to make difficult decisions on their behalf. Every situation is different and you must do what’s best for them. They have always trusted you to do what’s best within the choices that you have.     

Credits: Jack McAfghan: Letters From Rainbow Bridge

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