Healing Through Pet Loss: Finding Strength in Love – Nurture Your Pet Skip to content
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Healing Through Pet Loss: Finding Strength in Love

Dear Jack, 
My grief is very deep because my love for him was great. How do I climb out of this deep hole of grief?
Working through the process of grief can take a long time when the love runs deep. You will grieve in your own time and in your own way. You will heal, however, because love that is that strong comes from the power of your soul and that is the power that keeps you connected through everything. Love will carry you through the grief and bring you out the other side and you will find that you are still together; he is only just now gone from your sight. 
When you can finally clear the grief from your head and your heart and you keep an open mind, you can receive the signs waiting to come into your life. Energy is created and fueled by the love that you give and the love that waits for you on the other side. Love is the power. Love is all you need. Love, Jack

Credits: Jack McAfghan: Letters From Rainbow Bridge

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