Finding Purpose and Peace After Losing a Pet – Nurture Your Pet Skip to content
Nurture Your PetNurture Your Pet

Finding Purpose and Peace After Losing a Pet

Dear Jack,
What’s wrong with me? I feel like I don’t want to heal. I just want to go to sleep too and never wake up. I just want to be where he is.
I have spoken a great deal about the beauty that is Heaven. I do not want Heaven to be so appealing to you that you want to leave the life you are living in order to have it sooner than later! Oh no no no.  Read on.  You have very important reasons to stay.
The loss of a pet will throw you into grief’s grasp. With it comes resistance and depression which are often related to the guilt of grief. It’s like you think you don’t deserve to feel better. It’s like you want to punish yourself or maybe you never felt good about yourself or your life and this is a way to perpetuate that illusion. I don’t mean to make you feel guilty here, but his home is your heart and if your heart is an unhappy place then he lives in an environment of hurt and unhappiness. Everyone you ever loved lives inside of you. You are the one who determines what it is like for them to live there. 

Life finds many ways to teach us how to let go. By giving it up to the universe, you will find that you have everything you need. It is not until you surrender that you find the relief and healing that is waiting for you. It is your reward for trusting the universe to take care of things on your behalf.

You'll find that life goes on. It always does. The grieving is painful but someday the missing will be sweet. 
Love, Jack

Credits: Jack McAfghan: Letters From Rainbow Bridge

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