Embracing Life's Journey: Preparing for Death – Nurture Your Pet Skip to content
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Embracing Life's Journey: Preparing for Death

Dear Jack,

How do I prepare for death? The death of my best friend or a family member – or even myself?


So many people plan carefully for holiday road trips and vacation destinations, but they never think to plan for the greatest inevitable journey of their life. 

Every moment you are one moment closer to your own death. What do you need to do to embrace and accept that moment when it arrives? It is never too soon to start living life in answer to that question for too many have regrets when they leave this place. 

Death is not something to be fought or feared. Pain comes from resistance and fear. We break the arm that we fling out to prevent the fall. When there is an accident, it is the resistance to the impact, the defending of oneself against the crash that often causes the most serious injury. When it comes to death, it is the resistance to allowing things to be what they are that causes the greatest pain. 

You have time. You have time to learn all you can learn about death and dying and to develop your faith, change unhealthy patterns and prevent future regrets. Read books like this one. Talk to experts. Read the many stories of those who have had Near Death experiences. Knowledge is power. Become familiar with death until you have a level of comfort and acceptance with it. 

Chances are you have taken a plane to go somewhere. You board the plane and it takes you to a place where you will stay for a while. It might be a different time zone or a different climate. Then you will get back on the plane and it will take you back Home.  The plane is just a vehicle to get you where you need to be. The plane is birth and death. Everything in life is a Round Trip. We are all just staying here on Earth for a little while…and we are all eventually returning Home. 

Love, Jack

Credits: Jack McAfghan: Letters From Rainbow Bridge

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