Balancing Grief and Healing: A Letter from Jack – Nurture Your Pet Skip to content
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Balancing Grief and Healing: A Letter from Jack


Dear Jack,

I know you from Facebook. I follow your Page and I belong to your Pet Loss Support Group.  I have also been paying to see a therapist and all she was telling me is what I had already been learning in the group and on your Page. She did say to me though that she thought I was reading too much on Facebook and that it was bringing me down more. She said stop visiting the site so much because it was keeping things going too much. She wasn't running it down really just saying it could almost take over your life.

It's very easy to get "attached" to Facebook and a group like ours after you have lost someone you love. You were very attached to your boy, and like a recovering addict can replace an addiction with another addiction, these outlets can consume you. When you "replace" an attachment with an attachment, you are really filling up the hole in your heart with a diversion instead of taking a good look at the hole he left behind.  

If you feel like you "need" Facebook to have quality of life, yes you might take a second look. You could be transferring the attachment from your pet to another form of attachment. If you are doing that, it is likely that your process of healing will be delayed. It's all about a healthy balance. Everything is.

Not to say that seeing a therapist isn’t helpful. It is most beneficial that your therapist and our group validate each other but if you are paying a therapist to tell you the same things you are learning from this free group (which is also run by a therapist), why are you paying a therapist? You would give up Facebook and our group and keep going to the therapist? I'd stay right here. I’d let the group support you and the therapist support you. You will heal that much faster with it coming from both places. 

You'll do the right thing. I don't always understand the human ways. Thank you for writing.  I'm here if you need me. 

Love, Jack

Credits: Jack McAfghan: Letters From Rainbow Bridge

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