When to Let Go: Understanding the Right Time for a Beloved Pet's Farewell – Nurture Your Pet Skip to content
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When to Let Go: Understanding the Right Time for a Beloved Pet's Farewell

Dear Jack,

At what point do we decide to let our boy cross the Rainbow Bridge? It's heartbreaking to see him struggle but I can't imagine letting him cross over while he is still also showing us that he is happy. What else do I need to remember at this difficult time? 


What I can tell you is that he is happy because he senses that relief is coming soon and he knows that you know it’s coming soon too. He is empathetic and he can feel your feelings and concerns. When you love like this, you will know when the time is right, and when you have made that decision, there is a kind of peace that comes with it. You WILL know when the right time is, he will tell you. He will be ready to go when his suffering is greater than his desire to remain in his earthly body. Wishing you strength and understanding at this difficult time. 

Love, Jack

It’s the most unselfish act on earth, to let go of one we have called Beloved.


Credits: Jack McAfghan: Letters From Rainbow Bridge

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