The Unseen Bonds of Friendship During Loss – Nurture Your Pet Skip to content
Nurture Your PetNurture Your Pet

The Unseen Bonds of Friendship During Loss

Dear Jack…

I am in the deepest grief and I am surprised how many of my friends just don’t seem to care.

This is one of the many things your pets come to teach. Many of you have found out who your truest friends are as you work through your grief. Who can you turn to? Are you surprised who is there? Are you surprised who is not? One of the things we teach you in our departure is to open your eyes to see Who Is Really There for you. Who loves and supports you through it all? This is a true friend. Meanwhile we still love you from the other side with a love that never dies.
Love, Jack

CreditsJack McAfghan: Letters From Rainbow Bridge

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