Navigating Grief: Understanding Healing and Time – Nurture Your Pet Skip to content

Navigating Grief: Understanding Healing and Time

Dear Jack,

It has been a month since my girl died. My heartache has eased up a little, but it is still there. How much longer will this take?

It may take a month, a season or a year or more or less. Everyone goes at their own pace. It is the body’s nature to heal a wound and it is the spirit’s nature to heal from the throes of grief. Time, faith and support are the keys to healing. 

We have talked about Time and how it doesn’t exist, but it does on Earth so it must be considered. The amount of time it takes for someone to heal can vary dramatically and no one can tell someone else how quickly they should go. Grief is complex and when someone is healing, they are often healing all the other losses in life that preceded the current loss. Every loss brings every other unresolved loss back for healing. Don’t let anyone tell you how fast or slow to go. Just keep moving forward as best you can, one step at a time.

Love, Jack

Credits: Jack McAfghan: Letters From Rainbow Bridge

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