Lessons of Love: Grieving the Unconditional Bond – Nurture Your Pet Skip to content

Lessons of Love: Grieving the Unconditional Bond

Dear Jack,

Why do I miss him so much more than I miss most people? Why is life so relentless? How can people be so cruel to animals? 

Pets love unconditionally and unconditional love can be much harder to lose than the imperfect love one tends to experience with another human being. I was the one who was always there for her. I never talked back. I always followed her lead and no matter how imperfect she may have been by human standards, she was always perfect as far as I could see.

Everyone lives a different kind of life, but each person is learning very similar lessons. Sometimes you can feel victimized by the life you feel trapped in. You think that you have been dealt a difficult hand because you have so many more stressors, disappointments and losses than other people seem to have. If you learn from them, it is these experiences that create in you a compassion you would not have had otherwise. 

You are in the process of learning your Earth Lessons and everything is being filtered out of your soul that is not love, compassion, kindness and faith. It is preparing you so that one day you too can “graduate” and fly with the angels. 

Love, Jack

Animals do not get themselves into the predicaments that humans do. Animals don’t care about money or material things. Animals don’t judge or keep score. Animals were put on the earth to contribute to the ecosystem for the benefit of man, to raise and care for their families and, when domesticated, to be servants and unconditional lovers of their humans. 

Pray for the animals. Pray for the humans who hurt and abuse for they know not what they do. Pray for those who strive for peace. Pray for yourself and for your boy and know that the One Who Created Us has the ultimate say. He takes care of all of us in the right way. Everyone will get what they deserve in the end.

Credits: Jack McAfghan: Letters From Rainbow Bridge

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