Finding Peace: Navigating Nightmares and Grief – Nurture Your Pet Skip to content
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Finding Peace: Navigating Nightmares and Grief

Dear Jack,

How do I cope in the meantime? Negative thoughts seep into my dreams as nightmares and I can wake up feeling even worse. 

It’s important to tell your story to those who support you and care.  Tell your story and get it out in the open because what you don’t share can stay trapped inside of you and lurk around in the corners of your mind. Yes, you can even create nightmares for yourself. When dreams come you are working things out in your subconscious. You will tend to project your own feelings onto everything and everyone you see in your dreams. You are the one being tormented even though in your dream it seems like it’s me. You are seeing yourself in everything. 

Many nightmares are based on your own fears about death and dying and many of those fears are based on what people have taught you about death or what you have seen in the movies and on TV. Don’t be afraid or ashamed of them. Tell a close friend about it. You’ll feel better when you do and you might even get some reassurance in the process. 

It’s important to share but then it’s important to let go and not dwell on it. Share it and let it go. Then the healing can begin in the space that you have created by letting it go.

If you can’t find that friend, if you can’t find support, then come to our group. We will give you the encouragement and the understanding that you need. 

You will manage your loss in your own unique way. Everyone has their own style and timeframe. You can ride the roller coaster of loss and yet go around and around like a merry go round, re-visiting stages repeatedly and sometimes out of order. You can be stuck forever without a guide to help you through your grief…or you can fly through the process all at once and hardly even realize that you grieved a loss at all. It’s up to you. Our books and our group will help carry you to the healing sooner than later.

Love, Jack

Credits: Jack McAfghan: Letters From Rainbow Bridge

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