A Heartfelt Letter to My Beloved Pet: Love Beyond Goodbye – Nurture Your Pet Skip to content
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A Heartfelt Letter to My Beloved Pet: Love Beyond Goodbye

Dear Jack,
Does my boy know how much I love him? I remember clearly the day my boyfriend first brought him home to see what I thought. My boy ran to me, jumped on my knee and nibbled my ear. I felt instant love and I'll never forget that moment. I just can’t help but wonder if I made a mistake, if I did the right thing to put him to sleep.
For as long as you grieve, you will ask yourself “What If?” If you knew where he is now, you would never ever wish him back from the love and the comfort of where he waits for you. You would not wonder if you did the right thing, you would know you did the right thing. 
As for whether your boy knows you love him, he knows everything. He knows every feeling and desire of your heart and he knows every thought you think. He is no doubt trying to reach you. You are forever connected in your heart and soul and there is a way for you to build a new kind of relationship there.  I wish you success on this new journey.
Love, Jack

Credits: Jack McAfghan: Letters From Rainbow Bridge

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