Compassion and Understanding in Times of Grief – Nurture Your Pet Skip to content

Compassion and Understanding in Times of Grief

Dear Jack, 

I have had other pets. I look back and see that I never grieved this hard this long for any of my others. Most people think I should be over her by now. She was ‘only a dog’ in their eyes but she was so much more than that to me.

It’s difficult to lose a heart and soul pet. Don't value what anyone says to you unless they value a pet as a best friend too. Some people simply don't know what to say. They may seem disinterested as they try to avoid the subject because they don’t want to feel helpless or say something “stupid”. A lot of humans simply do not know how to communicate on a heartfelt level. Some just don't know what to say because they really don't come to understand it until they experience it personally. Don't worry about them; their time will come and they, too, will learn understanding and compassion. I’m very sorry for your loss. 

Love, Jack 

Animals do not get themselves into the predicaments that humans do. Animals don’t care about money or material things. Animals don’t judge or keep score. Animals were put on the earth to contribute to the ecosystem for the benefit of man, to raise and care for their families and, when domesticated, to be servants and unconditional lovers of their humans. 

Pray for the animals. Pray for the humans who hurt and abuse for they know not what they do. Pray for those who strive for peace. Pray for yourself and for your boy and know that the One Who Created Us has the ultimate say. He takes care of all of us in the right way. Everyone will get what they deserve in the end.

CreditsJack McAfghan: Letters From Rainbow Bridge

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