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“Living” During A Pandemic: How Does It Affect You And Your Dog?

“Living” During A Pandemic: How Does It Affect You And Your Dog?

There’s no question about how difficult of a time this pandemic has proven to be. There is a shocking lack of research and reliable answers when it comes to the risk and effect of the Virus. Families are torn apart, people are dying alone, and the isolation itself is driving people off the edge.

However, what does it all mean for your pet?

There is a shortage of information when it comes to your pet dog. This is why, in this article, we aim to answer overlooked questions and satisfy worried dog lovers everywhere.

Can My Dog Get the Novel Coronavirus?

No, your dog cannot get the human coronavirus. According to both, WHO and CDC, no evidence or indication suggests otherwise. People reported no cases of their pet being ill from exposure to the virus. That means your pet cannot get sick from the virus.

If I get the Virus will it Affect My Dog?

It is highly unlikely that you can transmit your sickness to your dog. However, if you or any of your family member does get a positive result of the coronavirus test, then it is better to exercise some precautions so that the infection remains contained.

The infected person should limit their contact with their pet. Have someone give your dog a bath or bathe them yourself and then limit your interaction with them.

How Do I Take Better Care of My Dog During the Quarantine?

It is crucial to maintain a routine for the mental and physical health of your dog and your own. If your household doesn’t show symptoms of the coronavirus, take your dog out for a walk or have members of your family take turns to do it.

Before going in to quarantine, make sure you have all the essentials to help you get by the duration such like dog food, necessary medicine, and, of course, poo bags.

If you are facing a complete lockdown, then you should come up with other exercise routines to do with your dog from inside your home.

Dog with Family

What If My Pet Needs Veterinary Care During The Pandemic?

Unless it is absolutely urgent to see a vet, it is better to stay inside your house, especially if your country has declared a state of quarantine. Regardless, of your dog needing urgent care and attention, first try calling the veterinarian for advice, and if that doesn’t work out, then book an appointment. If you are sick, then have a member of your family take your dog for surgery. Otherwise, you could infect other people at the vet.

How Do I Prevent Household Accidents Like Poisoning?

During quarantine, accidents like poisoning are the primary reason for most vet visits. You need to make sure that all medicines like ibuprofen or paracetamol out of their reach. You should also not put alcohol-based disinfectants or hand wash on your dog as it not only causes irritation but can also be poisonous if they lick it. 

Bottom Line:

Dogs are a godsend for us in a stressful situation like this one. We need to keep in mind that these innocent creatures have it just as hard, if not more. This is why you should do your best to make sure they get the care and attention they deserve.

Author: Brandi Marcene
Author Bio - Brandi

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