Finding Compassion: A Letter on Letting Go – Nurture Your Pet Skip to content

Finding Compassion: A Letter on Letting Go

Dear Jack, 

I can’t let go. I can’t tell my story without crying. I don’t have anyone who cares or understands.

You must tell your story to someone who will listen compassionately or it will remain trapped inside and you will go over and over the details ad infinitum forever.  If you don’t have someone in your life, find a therapist or a chaplain or hospice volunteer to help you through it. There will then eventually come a point where you have healed enough that you must cease telling the story over and over…for the telling of it can become so routine that it actually becomes a part of you and it can be all you identify with. So feel it. Share it. Then, in time, let it go.

Love, Jack

Credits: Jack McAfghan: Letters From Rainbow Bridge

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