What lessons am I learning from my Pets?

What lessons am I learning from my Pets

Hi Everyone!

I am Nita, and I have 4 doggies…( 3 Yorkies and a Golden)

When I started this website….my world….just like yours…..was DIFFERENT.

Created to form a Tribe of Pet Lovers….a “Safe and Feel Good” space..where we could share, laugh, give and take advice, learn, exchange stories…experiences and…most importantly….: CONNECT.

Humans are by nature Social Beings….it’s a NEED…and studies have proven that in having Friends :

  1. Decreases Depression
  2. Increases our Immune System
  3. Helps us feel Safer

…..among countless benefits


What lessons am I learning from my Pets?The Social Distancing….some in Self Isolation….have made us all around the Globe ….change our entire behavior..activities …routine…and face a new ( hopefully temporary ) “Normal”

There is not a TV Channel, Radio Channel, Social Media site….that does not discuss the unfortunate Beast ( the virus )  we need to avoid or battle with. This has caused many waves of stress, depression, tension, and anxiety…among most of us.

Yes…we do get the Optimists, the Positive Thinkers…that remind us daily….of all the Wonderful things we can do….and to Focus on the GOOD.



What lessons am I learning from my Pets?

And I am so Thankful to them….and their Daily advice …and Approach.

They give me perspective….during this INSANITY.

 However….i must admit….if I were asked….what is the MOST important thing…I am learning from all this….

It would be….that NOTHING…compares…to being Touched…to being Loved….to being Missed….

I am fortunate enough….to live with my 4 Furry Friends.

And …the moments…that I feel anxious….or an empty, scared…..and confused emotion starts popping up….


What lessons am I learning from my Pets?

I grab one of my little buddies….

their gentle breath….their little kisses/licks…. feeling their soft heartbeat…against my arm…..

Nothing…I could say….can describe….the relief I feel.

We create our Own Reality…our World….our Perceptions…

And when suddenly….we don’t have certain choices…and the freedom…to do and Live the Life……that we WANT…….we feel constrained.




What lessons am I learning from my Pets?I looked at Oliver …my Golden Retriever….a few days back.

 I looked into his eyes….

And I was searching….for HIS wisdom…

Because…I am of the belief…that they have some form of knowledge….

How else…can we explain…this UNCONDITIONAL LOVE these gorgeous pets have?

 The calmness they exude…

Their sparse needs…

Their Joy in even a simple gesture….as a pat….a stroke….

Their loyalty…

I do wonder….do they really know more than us?

What is their secret?

Could it be…that THEIR interpretation of Happiness is the key?

Do they have an Ego…?

I invite all of you….to please join in….and give me…and all other readers YOUR opinions…your thoughts…

Pets are important part of all our lives !!!

Question:  What lessons can we…as HUMANS….learn from our Pets ?

This is not meant to be a debate…..

Only thought provoking…

I would like very much to hear from all of you….

Your opinions…your experiences…..and mostly….lets CONNECT…..