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How to Help Pets in Ukraine

How to Help Pets in Ukraine

Thousands of Ukrainian citizens have been evacuating the country due to Russia’s ongoing invasion. Countless families have had to abandon their homes, and even their pets, in seek of refuge. Although bordering countries have loosened restraints on pet travel, many people have been forced to leave their animals behind. Others have refused to separate from their pets or simply do not have the means to leave.

With the combined effort of Ukrainian-based and global animal welfare organizations, there is still hope for the animals of Ukraine. Animal shelters courageously still operating are working tirelessly to provide these pets with food, shelter, and medical assistance. Selfless volunteers of worldwide nonprofits have set foot on Ukrainian grounds to aid in the effort.

We compiled a list of legitimate animal welfare foundations that are currently accepting donations to further the cause for pet protection in Ukraine. If you would like to donate, please consider doing so through one of the following organizations:

International Fund for Animal Welfare

Global nonprofit collaboration in over 40 countries working to:

  • Rescue, rehabilitate, and release animals
  • Restore and protect natural habitats


Ukraine-based organization seeking to:

  • Promote the humane treatment of animals
  • Protect animals from exploitation and abuse
  • Provide shelters with financial assistance during times of crisis

Humane Society International

Nonprofit organization working around the world to:

  • Promote the animal-human bond
  • Rescue and protect dogs and cats
  • Improve animal farm welfare
  • Protect wildlife
  • Promote animal-free testing & research
  • Respond to natural disasters
  • Confront cruelty toward animals in all forms

Kyiv Animal Rescue Group

Nonprofit group of volunteers in Kyiv, Ukraine aiming to:

  • Rescue both domestic pets and strays in need
  • Rescue wild creatures and endangered species in need

International Organization for Animal Protection (OIPA)

A universal confederation of associations aligning to:

  • Protect animals around the world
  • Defend the rights of animals on a global scale

For more information…

The organizations mentioned above are a handful of proven legitimate alliances, but there are additional groups that are trying to assist with the conflict in Ukraine. You can find further information about these authentic animal protection organizations (and more) by joining the discussion on the Facebook Group titled Ukraine Animal Rescue Information.


Beware of Scamming

Keep in mind that not all “charities” are real. Malicious criminals are ready to take advantage of uncertain situations by masquerading themselves as honest nonprofits gathering resources or desperate refugees in need of help. You should direct your donations to recognized associations with respectable reputations in the industry. If you are unsure as to whether the recipient of your donation is a scammer, consider the following:

  • Donations should be accepted directly through the association’s website. If the recipient offers you this option, regard it as a good sign.
  • If the organization is asking for a gift card or wire transfer, take caution. These methods are not commonly used by real charities.
  • An unsolicited email asking to collect monetary support is a red flag. Any skeptical links included in these messages are likely to install malware on your device.
  • A friend’s recommendation does not mean an organization is safe. Verify that your donation is going to a legitimate agency before providing any of your personal information.


*Note: The images included in this article were obtained via Creative Commons licenses for illustrative purposes only and do not belong to, nor are affiliated with, the organizations mentioned.

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