When is it Safe to Start Walking Your Dog After Neutering?

When is it Safe to Start Walking Your Dog After Neutering?

Welcoming a furry friend into your family brings an immense joy and responsibility. In a same manner, it's crucial to make sure your dog's health and well-being come first. The decision to neuter your dog is important among the other choices you make to give him the best care. Neutering, a common surgical procedure to spay or castrate dogs, offers numerous benefits such as controlling overpopulation and reducing certain health risks.

You might be unsure about the ideal time to resume regular activities after your dog has undergone the neutering surgery, particularly when it comes to daily walks and exercise. We will discuss when is it safe to start walking your dog after neutering, post-neutering rehabilitation, and the expert advice for the welfare of your canine companion.

What is Neutering in Dogs and is it Beneficial?

Neutering is also known as castration & a male dog's testicles are surgically removed in this process prior to puberty. It is performed between 4-6 months of age to cease reproduction and alter hormone levels.

The dog is given general anesthesia throughout the treatment. Just in front of the scrotum, a tiny cut is made. The veterinarian next finds the dog's testicles and cuts the ducts and cord before extracting them through incision. This incision is then closed with stitches or surgical glue. Most dogs can go home the same day once they have recovered from anesthesia.

When is it Safe to Start Walking Your Dog After Neutering?

Typical Neutering Recovery Stages

While the neutering surgery only takes around 30 minutes, the recovery period lasts several weeks as the incision heals and the dog’s activity level is restricted. Here are the typical recovery stages:

Week 1: Strict rest is enforced - only short leash walks to relieve themselves. Stitches or glue will be present over the incision site. The scrotum may remain swollen.

Week 2: Light exercise can begin, with 5-10 minute leash walks 1-2 times per day. Swelling continues to diminish. Stitches or glue will dissolve during this time.

Week 3: Short 15-20 minute walks are allowed, but running and jumping are still prohibited. Strength and energy levels start to improve.

Weeks 4+: Gradual return to normal walks, play time, and activity over the next several weeks. Incision should be fully closed and healed by around week 4.

Walking After Neutering Surgery

Week 1: Strict Rest

For the first 7-10 days post-surgery, walking should be limited to very short bathroom breaks of just 5-10 minutes. Pups need to stay calm and rest in order to allow internal healing without pressure or strain on the incision site. Keep them leashed and slowly walk outside and back. Carry young puppies if needed.

Week 2: Light Exercise

During the second week after surgery, light exercise can begin. Take short 5-10 minute leashed walks 1-2 times daily for bathroom needs. Monitor the incision site for proper healing before extending any walk time.

Use a shorter leash to prevent sudden pulling or lunging. Continue to restrict running, jumping, and rough play that could impact the incision area. Limit walks to flat, even surfaces only during this delicate healing stage.

When is it Safe to Start Walking Your Dog After Neutering?

Week 3 Onward: Gradually Increase Activity

If your dog seems to be healing well after the 2-week mark, walks can be gradually extended to 15-20 minutes a few times a day. But continue avoiding stairs, running, and jumping. The goal is to slowly transition their activity levels and build strength over time.

Week 4: The incision should be fully closed and your vet will likely clear your dog for normal walks. But keep them on leash and move slowly back up to more rigorous exercise over 2-3 more weeks. When in doubt, call your vet for guidance on safe activity levels during recovery.

Signs Your Dog is Ready for Walks

It's crucial to watch for these signs that indicate your post-neutered pup is ready to resume short, slow walks:

Incision Healing

  • Closed incision with no discharge, swelling, or redness
  • Stitches have dissolved or been removed
  • No pain reaction if incision is gently touched

Energy Levels

  • Alert, interested in surroundings, and responding normally
  • Not overly tired or lethargic


  • Eating, drinking, peeing, and pooping as usual
  • Not acting restless or agitated from inactivity

Bowel Movements

  • Passing normal stools without straining or discomfort


  • Eating regular amounts of food and keeping it down

If you notice any concerns like low energy, loss of appetite, vomiting, or diarrhea, contact your vet before walking your dog.

Precautions for Walking After Neutering

Once your dog seems ready for gentle walks, keep these precautions in mind:

Use a Leash: Keep your dog leashed during all walks for 4-6 weeks after surgery. This gives you control over their movements. Let them dictate the walking pace.

Avoid Running, Jumping, Stairs: Restrict any running, jumping, rough play, or climbing stairs during walks - this can impact the internal incision healing. Take flat routes.

Monitor the Incision Site: Check for redness, swelling, discharge that could indicate infection around the surgery site before and after walks. Contact your vet if you notice any concerns.

Keep Walks Short and Slow at First: Gradually build up to longer walks again over 4-6 weeks. Start with just 10-15 minutes post-surgery and increase distance week by week as your dog recovers.

When is it Safe to Start Walking Your Dog After Neutering?

When to Call the Vet Before Walking After Neutering

Contact your vet promptly if you notice any of these issues that require evaluation before walking your dog:

Persistent Swelling, Redness, or Discharge: These signs around the surgery site may indicate infection or delayed healing. Your vet can prescribe antibiotics or recommend rest.

Signs of Infection: Such as lethargy, loss of appetite, fever, or pus. Your dog may need medication before resuming activity.

Lethargy or Appetite Changes: Significant tiredness, disinterest in food, or vomiting/diarrhea could mean a complication requiring veterinary attention.

Unable to Urinate or Defecate: Your dog should be able to pee and poop normally before walks. Inability to do so may signify an internal issue.

Your vet will examine your dog and make sure they are internally healed enough before clearing them for walks. Don't hesitate to call them with any concerns.

Well, That’s a Wrap

Neutering is a quick routine surgery, but postoperative recovery and restricted activity last several weeks as your dog heals. With patience and gradual return to exercise, most dogs can resume normal walking routines within 4-6 weeks without complications.

Closely monitor your dog’s incision site, energy levels, appetite, and bowel movements before progressing their walks post-surgery. Clear each new activity level with your trusted veterinarian first. With proper recovery care, your neutered pup will be back to long happy walks in no time!


About author: Jacob Kay

Jacob Kay is a Veterinary Advisor at WWD, a passionate dog lover, and a dedicated advocate for animal welfare. With vast expertise in veterinary medicine, he generously shares his insights on dog care, covering essential topics like nutrition, exercise, health, and safety. As a responsible pet owner himself, Jacob's knowledge and passion extend to two adorable pet dogs. He strongly advocates for spaying and neutering as a vital step in curbing the population of homeless animals and promoting a healthier, happier pet community.

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